Há 65 anos, o Instituto da Providência arregimenta ações relevantes para o combate à pobreza e uma real oferta de oportunidades e acesso a direitos para aqueles em extrema vulnerabilidade. Nosso desafio para o futuro é: mudar quantas vezes forem necessárias para nos manter fiéis à nossa causa e como dizia nosso fundador D. Hélder Câmara: “Feliz de quem entende que é preciso mudar muito para ser sempre o mesmo”.


Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável
A Agenda 2030 é um plano de ação global nascido de um acordo firmado em 2015 pelos Estado-membros da ONU, que reúne 17 objetivos de desenvolvimento sustentável criados para erradicar a pobreza e promover vida digna a todos. Os objetivos e metas são integrados e abrangem as 03 dimensões do desenvolvimento sustentável – social, ambiental e econômica – exigem uma ação mundial entre os governos, as empresas e a sociedade civil.
O Instituto da Providência contribui para o alcance de 06 ODS:

O Banco da Providência agora é Instituto,
com o mesmo propósito de transformar vidas.
Há 65 anos, nascia o que muitos chamavam de Banco da Providência. Um banco, sim, mas um banco de algo
muito maior que moedas e cédulas. Um banco de esperança, onde o verdadeiro valor sempre esteve em oferecer oportunidades e dignidade humana. Hoje, esse espírito se renova, e é com muita alegria que anunciamos oficialmente: agora somos Instituto da Providência. Este nome reflete ainda mais fielmente o nosso propósito, que nunca foi apenas oferecer suporte, mas garantir que todos possam exercer seus direitos e construir suas próprias histórias de protagonismo e transformação social. Desde o início, o Instituto da Providência foi inspirado pela visão de Dom Helder Câmara, um defensor incansável dos direitos humanos, que acreditava em uma sociedade mais justa e igualitária. Ao longo dessas mais de seis décadas, temos caminhado lado a lado com pessoas em situação de vulnerabilidade, não apenas oferecendo capacitação, mas contribuindo para a transformação necessária para que cada indivíduo possa exercer plenamente sua dignidade e autonomia.
Our story
Created in 1959 by Dom Hélder Câmara, the organization was named “Bank” because at that time the population in a situation of social vulnerability did not have access to the banks of the financial system. Banco da Providência was born with the mission of contributing to an egalitarian society, in which even the most vulnerable would have “a bank” to call their own. And for more than half a century it is a reference in meeting social demands.
Faced with so much demand, there is also a concern to raise enough resources to meet the needs of the people served. It was from there that, in December 1959, the first action took place that would give rise to the traditional Feira da Providência two years later.
Download the publication Commemorating the 50 years of Banco da Providência here.
Contribute collectively to a reduction of social inequality and promote the human development of young people, adults and families living in communities in the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro through welcoming, training for the work, income generation and strengthening of
local leaders.
Being recognized as an Institution that promotes access to human and social rights, in an articulated way with local actors, contributes to the formulation of public policies and disseminates the management culture.
Recognition of the dignity of the human person.
Acceptance of diversity.
Belief in the human ability to progress.
Personal and social solidarity
Ethics and transparency in relationships.

Dom Helder Câmara
Founder of Banco da Providencia
Born in Fortaleza, Ceará, he was ordained a priest at age 22. Transferred to Rio de Janeiro in 1936, he took on the challenge of anticipating pastoral solutions in favor of those living in poverty and indigence. Nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize 7 times, Dom Hélder was more concerned with overcoming poverty. He believed in the importance of the militancy of small groups, in the militancy of the laity and in their role in transforming the excluding and generating reality of inequalities. When he created the Banco da Providência in 1959 he thought of a "bank" whose greatest capital is human capital and the greatest profit is solidarity.
“True peace will only be achieved when there is
courage to create real conditions of justice”

Organizational structure
General Director:
Monsignor Manuel de Oliveira Manango
Social Director:
Ana Cecilia Costa Carvalho Melo
Legal Director:
Daltro de Campos Borges Filho
Candido Feliciano da Ponte Neto
Administrative-Financial Director:
Genilson Melo
Bishop Orani João Tempesta
Manuel Luiz da Silva Araujo
Lorena Asuncion Carvalho Fernandes
Paulo de Moraes Penalva Santos
Maria Christina Noronha de Sa
Roberto Castilho
Angela Maria Machado Costa
Ana Cecília Nabuco de Magalhães Lins Mariani Lacerda
Cecília de Paula Machado Sicupira
Eduardo Eugenio Gouveia Vieira
Ferdinando Valle Magalhães
Gloria Severiano Ribeiro
Isabel Gouvea Vieira
José Thomaz Nabuco de Araújo Filho
Maria da Gloria Brandon Archer
Raphael Carneiro da Rocha Filho
Técio Lins e Silva
Daniela Fonseca Raimundo
Maurício Caetano
Maria Christina Noronha de Sá
Clarice Linhares
Social Manager:
Terezinha Nascimento
Institutional Manager:
Paola Figueiredo
Institutional Manager:
Cinthia Ramires
Expansion Manager:
Paola Figueiredo
Family Agencies:
Ana Paula Figueiredo, Gleide Mattos, Neige Motta, and Wilma Santiago
Training Agency:
Jocilene S. de Assis Juliao
Entrepreneurship Agency:
Simone Neves
Employment Agency:
Emanoel Gomes
Youth Agency:
Vanúbia Barros
Youth Agency:
Hugo Belini
Program (Re)conquest:
Araceli Bufon
Public Policy Programs:
Andrea Medrado
PeaceLimitedEditron “ILARIA ALPI Award – XII Edizione.
Leopoldo Kunsechak Award: Awarded to the Ambulatory of Providence, by the Government of Austria, in recognition of entities and personalities that have distinguished themselves in research for the well-being of humanity.
São Sebastião Culture Award: granted to the Ambulatório da Providência, by the Cultural Association of the Archdiocese of Rio de Janeiro, Social Work Category.
Paulo Freire Award – Awarded to Centro da Providência, by the Ministry of Labor and FIRJAN, in recognition of the scope in the area of worker training.
Tribute in commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the foundation of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro and 25 years of Master's Degree in Social Work.
Social Action Category Award – Granted by the Archdiocese of Rio de Janeiro
Well Efficient Award – Granted to Banco da Providência by Kanitz & Associado, in recognition of the 50 best Charitable and Non-Profit Entities in the country .
CBCISS – Certificate of the National Seminar on Well-being – Terezinha Arnaut
Jacaré de Ouro Award – Awarded by Caio Award 2004 in the Social Responsibility Event category.
LionsClub Roma Host – Ambassador of Peace Award given by the City of Rome
Medal of Merit Pedro Ernesto - Municipal Chamber of Rio de Janeiro - Councilman Marcio Pacheco - 46 years old Fundação Banco da Providência
International Women's Day Women's Trophy 2006 - Medal of Merit for women - Delivered by Governor Rosinha Garotinho
UNESCO - Citizenship Personalities for Marina Araújo, Director General
Woman for Peace Award (Renewal Program – Cathedral Radio) Deputy Hugo Leal
Citizenship Personalities – Delivered by Folha Dirigida “The Bank of Providence in volunteering, the affirmation of the Principles of full citizenship”
São Sebastião Award 100 years of Dom Helder Câmara
MOTION OF APPLAUSE – Sustainable Practices at Feira da Providência - INSTITUTO EVENTOS AMBIENTAIS – IEVA
“100 Best NGOs in Brazil” Award, initiative of Instituto Doar and Época Magazine
“100 Best NGOs in Brazil” Award, initiative of Instituto Doar and Época Magazine
DOAR Management and Transparency Seal – Instituto Doar
Social Technology Certificate – Banco do Brasil Foundation Social Technology Award 2019
“100 Best NGOs in Brazil” Award, initiative of Instituto Doar and Época Magazine
For the fourth consecutive year we received the 100 Best NGOs in Brazil Award
Seal of Human Rights by the Municipal Secretary of Social Assistance and Human Rights, recognizing organizations that maintained their work even during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Finalists of the XP Educação Financeira Transforma Award in the NGOs category. The objective of the Award was to promote initiatives and organizations that work on financial education, generating great social impact.
LED Award – Light in Education – Professional Education Category. The Award is an initiative created by Rede Globo in partnership with Fundação Roberto Marinho to illuminate and disseminate innovative practices in education, recognizing those who are revolutionizing the future of the sector in Brazil.